Download Visual Redemption Free For PC (RDR2 Graphics Mod)

Visual Redemption

Visual Redemption (VisualR) is a “work-in-progress” graphics overhaul mod for Red Dead Redemption II on PC. There were various tweaks made in order to enhance the overall atmosphere and provide a more realistic experience. This Mod is created by RAZED and currently it is free to play and accessible to all the RDR2 Players for free.

Features Visual Redemption

High Quality Textures

Realistic Reflection Quality

Insane CloudWork

Re-Shade Compatible

Easy To Install

Free To Play

Low End PC Compatible

Currently this mod overhauls various weathers, improves shadow distance in each weather, reduces the intensity of heat haze, fixes bloom render on lights, improves water reflections, fixes moon positioning and much more.

This mod comes with an Optional Add-On that retains the Vanilla atmosphere and lighting, but still improves shadows and other small things. Additionally, this mod supports the RedM multiplayer client.

now available for download

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